Survey scientist named Geological Society of America Fellow

Greg Ludvigson

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LAWRENCE — Greg Ludvigson, senior scientist at the Kansas Geological Survey based at the University of Kansas, has been named a Fellow of one of the world's largest geological societies.

Ludvigson was elected a Fellow of the Geological Society of America, an association of about 25,000 members in 103 countries that promotes the geosciences and provides a forum for diverse ideas.

GSA Fellows are chosen in recognition of their contributions to the advancement of the geosciences through such achievements as publications, presentations, leadership in professional organizations, teaching and promotion of scientific advances to the public.

To shed light on current changes in the Earth's climate, Ludvigson studies the geologic record to understand the causes of climatic changes during several past warming periods, which range from about 480 million to 65 million years ago.

Ludvigson's work in paleoclimatology — the study of climate change throughout the Earth's history — includes studying diverse rock layers, both at and below the surface, to reconstruct ancient environments and climates based on geochemical analysis and fossil materials.

"Greg has made significant research contributions in paleoclimatology as well as in his administration of the county geologic mapping program at the Kansas Geological Survey," said Rex Buchanan, KGS interim director. "He also advises graduate students at the University of Kansas and lectures widely."

Ludvigson, who has been author, editor or contributor for more than 150 articles and publications, was presented with the fellowship Nov. 5 at GSA's annual meeting in Charlotte, N.C.

Thu, 11/15/2012


Greg Ludvigson

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Greg Ludvigson

Kansas Geological Survey
